Idea Hub: Frontline Applications

Have you got an idea on how we can improve the applications you use every day such as Teamplan, SWS, iServe, Tills etc?

Add your brilliant idea below or vote/comment on an existing idea!

Please note that not all ideas can be implemented but we will review all submissions and do what we can to improve the application!

Theme Modelling Preview

Retail Item Reference - the HD get many queries regarding buttons on tills and find it difficult to identify the button the actual product as the database is so big. Ideally we would like the option to show the Retail Item Reference when you select a button on a preview screen generated on the BOH PC & HO Preview. Greyed out buttons can it show the code when it states unpriced
  • Guest
  • Jan 21 2019
Brand Mitchells & Butlers
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