Idea Hub: Frontline Applications

Have you got an idea on how we can improve the applications you use every day such as Teamplan, SWS, iServe, Tills etc?

Add your brilliant idea below or vote/comment on an existing idea!

Please note that not all ideas can be implemented but we will review all submissions and do what we can to improve the application!

LiveRes Table Management - TTA

Theoretical Table Assignment
Requirement for sites to be able to choose whether they use 'Actual Table Assignment' (i.e. current functionality whereby the system chooses and assigns a specific table to a guest) or Theoretical Table Assignment (where the system assigns guest to a table from a bank of available tables without assigning a specific table number). Having this configurable ability will drastically reduce the number of cancelled booking due to incorrect process being followed.
Configure from Brand. Optionally block site manager from being able to change it from actual/theoretical.
  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2019
Brand Mitchells & Butlers
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