Idea Hub: Frontline Applications

Have you got an idea on how we can improve the applications you use every day such as Teamplan, SWS, iServe, Tills etc?

Add your brilliant idea below or vote/comment on an existing idea!

Please note that not all ideas can be implemented but we will review all submissions and do what we can to improve the application!

Aztec Promotions using Choice group items

Currently there is no ability in Aztec to have promotions on items within choice groups.


Is this possible to request on the POS control log going forward the ability to add items that are part of choice groups into promotions so that they promote as required.


Example would be free Mixer with Spirit.


If the mixer is on a choice item and chargeable normally how do we make it promote the Mixer down to £0.

  • Guest
  • Sep 30 2019
Brand Mitchells & Butlers
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